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Popular places and events near this IP address

  • Eric Hamber Secondary School

    Eric Hamber Secondary School

    Secondary school in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    Distance: Approx. 610 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 49.24,-123.125

    Eric Hamber Secondary School is a public secondary school located in the South Cambie neighbourhood of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Eric Hamber is a comprehensive secondary school with approximately 1400 students. Each year, approximately 70% of the senior class graduate with honours standing.

  • Queen Elizabeth Park, British Columbia

    Queen Elizabeth Park, British Columbia

    City park in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    Distance: Approx. 201 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 49.24222222,-123.115

    Queen Elizabeth Park is a 130-acre municipal park located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It is located on top of Little Mountain approximately 125 metres (410 ft) above sea level and is the location of former basalt quarries dug in the beginning of the twentieth century to provide materials for roads in the city.

  • Bloedel Floral Conservatory

    Bloedel Floral Conservatory

    Conservatory and aviary

    Distance: Approx. 256 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 49.2421,-123.1138

    The Bloedel Floral Conservatory is a conservatory and aviary located at the top of Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • Hillcrest Park

    Hillcrest Park

    Distance: Approx. 769 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 49.244872,-123.108147

    Hillcrest Park is located in the Riley Park neighbourhood of Vancouver, British Columbia. It is located immediately north of Queen Elizabeth Park and west of Riley Park. Next to Hillcrest Park is the site containing Nat Bailey Stadium, home of the Vancouver Canadians baseball team; the Millennium Sports Centre, home to both the Phoenix Gymnastics Club and the Pacific Indoor Bowls Club; and the Vancouver Racquets Club.

  • Little Mountain (British Columbia)

    Mountain in Canada

    Distance: Approx. 263 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 49.24166667,-123.11333333

    Little Mountain, elevation 125 m (410 ft), is a mountain in the central part of the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The mountain is home to Queen Elizabeth Park, which sits at the top of the mountain, and Nat Bailey Stadium, which is located near the base. The mountain lends its name to the Riley Park–Little Mountain neighbourhood, and to the defunct electoral district, Vancouver-Little Mountain.

  • South Cambie

    South Cambie

    Distance: Approx. 695 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 49.246,-123.122

    South Cambie is a neighbourhood in the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, that is generally considered one of the smallest neighbourhoods in the city, both in size and in population. It is wedged between one of the city's largest parks and the upscale neighbourhood of Shaughnessy, and is known for a large cluster of medical facilities.

  • B.C. Women's Hospital & Health Centre

    B.C. Women's Hospital & Health Centre

    Hospital in British Columbia, Canada

    Distance: Approx. 662 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 49.243611,-123.124722

    B.C. Women's Hospital & Health Centre, an agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA), is a Canadian hospital located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, specializing in women's health programs. It is the only facility in Western Canada dedicated to the health of women, newborns and families, and is the largest maternity hospital in the country. It is a teaching hospital and major provincial health care resource, and is a key component in women's health research.

  • British Columbia Children's Hospital

    British Columbia Children's Hospital

    Hospital in British Columbia, Canada

    Distance: Approx. 761 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 49.244444,-123.125556

    British Columbia Children's Hospital is a medical facility located in Vancouver, British Columbia, and is an agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority. It specializes in health care for patients from birth to 16 years of age (possibly longer if followed by a specialist team). It is also a teaching and research facility for children's medicine.

  • BC Children's Hospital Foundation

    Hospital in British Columbia, Canada

    Distance: Approx. 761 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 49.244444,-123.125556

    BC Children's Hospital Foundation (BCCHF) is a Canadian non-profit registered charity that raises money to support the British Columbia Children's Hospital. The Foundation works with communities to raise funds for essentials including: life-saving equipment, research into childhood diseases, a wide range of medical staff and community child health education programs. Since 1982, BC Children's Hospital Foundation has partnered with children, families, health professionals, and other British Columbia residents to raise funds to support BC Children's Hospital, Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children, and the BC Children's Hospital Research Institute.

  • Wheelchair curling at the 2010 Winter Paralympics

    Wheelchair curling at the 2010 Winter Paralympics

    Distance: Approx. 738 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 49.24486111,-123.10866667

    The wheelchair curling competition of the 2010 Winter Paralympics was held at the Vancouver Olympic/Paralympic Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, from 13 March to 20 March 2010. Ten teams competed in a single event, a mixed tournament in which men and women competed together.

  • Hillcrest Centre

    Hillcrest Centre

    Athletic center in Vancouver, Canada

    Distance: Approx. 748 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 49.24444444,-123.10805556

    The Hillcrest Centre is a community centre with ice hockey, curling rinks, and an aquatics facility, located at Hillcrest Park in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Construction started in March 2007; it hosted the 2009 World Junior Curling Championships prior to the Olympics. During the 2010 Olympics, it was named the Vancouver Olympic/Paralympic Centre and had a capacity of 6,000 people to host curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics; for the 2010 Paralympics, it hosted the Wheelchair Curling event.

  • Queen Elizabeth Park Disc Golf Course

    Disc golf course in British Columbia, Canada

    Distance: Approx. 782 meters

    Latitude and longitude: 49.23967,-123.10608

    Queen Elizabeth Park Disc Golf Course, also known as Little Mountain Disc Golf Course, is an 18-hole disc golf course located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It was designed by the British Columbia Flying Disc Association in 1984. The course hosted the 1987 Western Canadian Frisbee Championships.

Weather in this IP's area

Current Weather

broken clouds

Current Temperature

11 Celsius

Feeling temperature

10 Celsius

lowest temperature

10 Celsius

Maximum temperature

12 Celsius

Atmospheric pressure

1024 hPa


78 %


10000 meters

Wind speed

1.54 m/s

wind direction

80 degree


75 %

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